February 28, 2023

Considering Kybella® for your Med Spa? A Popular Treatment for Double Chin

Moxie Team

The face is usually the first thing we notice about another person. Because of this, so many people are conscious and insecure about their looks. Submental fat — commonly known as “double chin” — is one of the most common aesthetic concerns that involves the face. In fact, the 2021 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery consumer survey found that 70% of their respondents were bothered by the excess fat under their chin or neck. Enter Kybella®: the first and only FDA-approved prescription treatment for submental fat, aka double chin.

Kybella is a non-invasive treatment that can reduce double chin without invasive surgery. Injected over the course of a few months,  Kybella is an excellent option for clients who do not want to undergo surgery or are not eligible for other treatments due to medical reasons.

As med spa owners, it’s essential to recognize the impact of a double chin on client confidence and provide a solution that can help them feel better about themselves. While diet and exercise may help address stubborn double chin, Kybella can have near-immediate impacts on your clients’ appearance.

In this article, we provide you with a comprehensive guide to Kybella, including what it is, how it works, its effectiveness, who can administer it, and its profitability. Keep reading to learn more about this revolutionary double chin treatment and how it can benefit your clients and med spa business.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable prescription medication that targets fat below the chin, a condition called “submental fat,” better known as a double chin. It is a non-invasive alternative to surgical liposuction and neck lift surgery.

The procedure is also called injection lipolysis, a non-surgical fat reduction procedure.

While it is only US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved for addressing submental fullness, some use Kybella off-label to target other body areas because of its fat-dissolving properties. These areas include:

  • Hips (Love handles)
  • Outer thighs (Saddlebags)
  • Knees
  • Superficial fat on the anterior abdomen
  • Bra bulges
  • Armpit fat

Other names for Kybella

Kybella is the brand name for deoxycholic acid, but the noncommercial name for synthetic deoxycholic acid is ATX-101. Meanwhile, Belkyra is the brand name used for the same compound in Australia, Canada, Europe, and South Korea.

How does Kybella work?

Kybella uses a manufactured form of deoxycholic acid, a bile acid naturally produced by the body’s digestive system, to help break down and absorb fat. 

The treatment, which typically takes about 15 to 20 minutes, involves administering 20 or more injections under the chin. Once injected into the body, the deoxycholic acid gradually dissolves fat cells in the treatment area, which the body burns or metabolizes over several weeks.

Kybella destroys fat cells, so it can no longer store or accumulate fat. It also stimulates fibroblast recruitment, forming new collagen and tightening tissue in the treatment area. This results in a more defined chin and jawline.

Patients may need up to six Kybella injections to achieve effective results.

How effective is Kybella?

A 2017 multi-center, randomized, double-blind study that tested 500 patients found that approximately 80% of patients demonstrated grade 1 or mild, localized improvements within 12 weeks after their last Kybella treatment. These results persisted 24 weeks after treatment. 

Two clinical trials used in the FDA’s approval of Kybella showed mild to prominent localized submental fat loss based on clinician and patient reports.

Kybella can also enhance the effectiveness of other fat-reduction procedures. A 2022 study found that sequential treatment with Kybella and cryolipolysis resulted in a safe and effective prominent localized submental fat loss.

Who can offer Kybella treatments?

Kybella is offered in cosmetic surgery centers and med spas. In the US, only Kybella-trained healthcare specialists can administer Kybella. These can include doctors, and physician assistants (PAs), registered nurses (RNs), and nurse practitioners (NPs) where permitted.

In some states, non-physicians must be under a doctor’s supervision to perform medical procedures like aesthetic injections.

What training is required to offer Kybella?

Similar to other medical injection procedures, a practitioner must be a trained and licensed medical professional to administer Kybella. Kybella also requires professionals to complete online injection training as a requirement for product purchases.

Related: What is Aesthetic Nursing & How do I Become an Aesthetic Nurse?

How popular is Kybella?

Kybella is very popular because it is currently the only non-invasive treatment for double chins. 

In the 2020 American Society of Plastic Surgeons report, more than 135,000 people received Kybella injections out of over 13 million minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.

How profitable is Kybella as a treatment option?

Kybella can be a highly profitable treatment option to add to your med spa. A single Kybella costs between $1200 to $1800; some clients need as many as six treatment sessions to get their desired results. Your med-spa could earn as much as $10,800 from a single client!

Since Kybella treatments are not covered by insurance, clients must pay for their appointments in full. This ensures that practitioners receive immediate payment without waiting for reimbursement from the insurer. 

This is especially advantageous for early-stage businesses that need to generate income and secure their cash flow. Offering Kybella treatments is a great way to attract new customers and keep your existing ones returning for more treatments.


Kybella is an excellent addition to any med spa’s treatment menu. Its popularity and high profitability make it an attractive option for practitioners looking to expand their services and attract more clients.

Kybella’s demonstrated success in fat reduction, collagen stimulation, and tissue tightening makes it an attractive choice for clients looking to improve the contours of their chin and jawline.

Are you looking to start a med spa? Let Moxie guide you every step of the way. With our extensive industry experience, we’ll help determine which treatments are best for Kybella and other fat-reduction options! Get in touch with us now to find out more about how we can support you. Learn More About Moxie and How We Can Help You Open Your Own Med Spa >

*This article is intended to provide a general guide on what professional licenses and conditions are needed to operate a practice or perform certain treatments. This information alone does not authorize, certify, or confer the ability of anyone to perform these treatments, practice outside their scope, or violate the corporate practice of medicine.

While based on currently available information, the rules and policies on scope of practice issues and ownership can, and do, change frequently. Specific training, education, supervision, protocol and regulatory requirements will differ depending on each person's situation in their state. Therefore, each person must examine their own professional situation, skill level, regulating board guidance, and scope of practice before proceeding.

You should not act upon this information without seeking knowledgeable legal counsel that takes into account the laws of your specific jurisdiction. All uses of the content of this site, other than personal uses, are prohibited.

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